PLEASE NOTE: ALL items offered in this webstore are custom-made. Therefore, items MAY NOT BE returned. If you have any questions about product, sizing, etc., we would rather have you call us at (434) 293-4558 or email us at [email protected] and ask questions, rather than getting a wrong size. (Again, items may not be returned.)
(434) 293-4558
PLEASE NOTE: ALL items offered in this webstore are custom-made. Therefore, items MAY NOT BE returned. If you have any questions about product, sizing, etc., we would rather have you call us at (434) 293-4558 or email us at [email protected] and ask questions, rather than getting a wrong size. (Again, items may not be returned.)
Welcome to Monticello Little League's
Majors Team Store!
Charlottesville Volunteer Fire Department, Cosner Bros., Intrastate Pest Control, Korner Restaurant....
We've got you covered to support your team!
Orders will be shipped to your address!